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"What Marcia does is illuminate. She illuminates by example from within and from without.”

–Jane Wilson Cathcart, BC-DMT, CMA, LCSW-R (New York, USA)



"There is a depth and fullness of human expressivity that inform and enrich who Dr. Marcia Leventhal is.” 

-Iris Rifkin-Gainer, MA, BC-DMT (Pennsylvania, USA)



"Marcia facilitates peak experiences with benevolent wisdom and they have allowed me to access deep material, and initiate change in both my career and in my life.”

-Gerry Harrison, MA (United Kingdom)



"The seed of Dance Therapy has rooted in Greece, and the fruits of Marcia’s teachings will keep nourishing and healing the generations to come.”

–Amanda Kougioufa, B. Ed, GADTR (Greece)



"Her knowledge of education and training is vast and her pioneering spirit has put Dance Therapy on the Australian landscape.”

–Jennifer Helmich, MA, Professional Member DTAA, DIP. DMT IDTIA (Australia)



"Marcia has always been a bit ahead of the times…she is part of the profession that pushed open the doors of exploration into the wider world of human silence which speaks a thousand words.”

–Theresa Jackson, R-DMT (Australia)



"…with Marcia’s guidance, I found professional and personal freedom from judgment and an expanded sense of acceptance through the DMT process.”

–Anne Marie Ruta Buchanan, MA, BC-DMT, NCC (California, USA)

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